These boxes are used to apply a new culture of safety and durability, BECAUSE NOWADAYS THE SPOTLIGHTS ARE INSTALLED IN THE FALSE CEILINGS WITHOUT RULES and in a rough and insecure way, often giving rise to the following kind of unexpected things, often overlooked by manufacturers and installers:
- The connecting cables and the connecting terminals are often free to rely on metal parts of the false ceilings, NOT CONNECTED TO EARTH and so with a strong predisposition for short-circuits, indirect contact and DAMAGES BECAUSE OF THE JOULE EFFECT;
that is why the use of the 220v GU10, lamps further worsens the jeopardy of the people using it. - That way the bulbs are not protected and they are filled with dust and they overheat HAVING A DURATION OF USE LESS THAN NORMAL. - The springs compress the spotlights in the plasterboard to the point that if you have to remove a spotlight for maintenance IT MAY EASILY RUIN THE PLATERBOARD’S EDGE NEAR THE HOLE OF THE SPOTLIGHT, leaving then blemishes traces very difficult to fix. More often, the ceilings are covered with INSULATION MATERIAL for thermal insulation, that is why the spotlights ARE CHOKING without having the necessary volume of air around them for the heat dissipation. This is causing blemishing dark halos around the spotlights, poor durability of the bulbs and the spotlight becoming opaque because of the overheating. When the hot spotlight is in contact with wood the impropriety and the danger are even more obvious. The use of a support box, in the insulating material, specially designed to contain the spotlights and resistant to high temperatures, which interposes between the spotlight and the protecting structures surrounding the electrical connection it CONSTITUTES A SERIOUS STEP FORWARD FOR THE SAFETY AND FOR ALL THE RULES TO A GOOD INSTALLATION. May be applied also through the spotlight hole, EVEN AFTER THE FALSE CEILING HAS BEEN CLOSED.